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Parents are encouraged to discuss integrity and honorable conduct with your student. Prior to completing an application for admissions to Wake Forest University the discussion should take place. When a student signs the application for admission, they agree to live by the Honor System at Wake Forest. This means that every student agrees not to deceive, (lie to) any member of the community, not to steal from one another, not to cheat on academic work, not to plagiarize academic work, and not to engage in any other form of academic misconduct. This is a tradition that goes back to the founding of Wake Forest, and continues to be a cornerstone of our community and our interactions with one another.

If your student is reported or charged with an Honor Code violation, parents can serve as a source of support. Students rely on parents for guidance and advice. Please assist us as we seek to fairly resolve problems and hold students accountable for their actions.

Parents are not usually present for hearings. You may be available outside the hearing room should your student desire to confer with you.

Your student will be provided information about obtaining an advisor from the Student Conduct Advisors. The Advisors help explain the process, review statements, and present opening and closing remarks. If your student requests an advisor, you can encourage your student to make sure he or she is diligent in gathering necessary information and meets with their advisor.

See also:

For other information on these matters, please consult the Code of Conduct.